Statuscake banner illustrations

Statuscake commissioned my illustration and animation services to create around 60 illustrations for their website for use in their banners and as small spot illustrations and icons.

Animation was utilised to capture extra attention in the prime real estate part of the site; the homepage header banner.

The colour palette, design and brief encouraged the creation of unique characters with elongated limbs to appear friendly and unique. The sketchy look was also utilised to communicate a sense of urgency and that Statuscake was ready to help and rush to the rescue if your website went down at any point.

Stay tuned to my Dribbbble this week to see more of the illustrations I completed for the site along with the process and concepts sketches for some of the most successful banners.

Click through to see a process video of making the homepage banner illustration and then again for different concept sketches.

Read more and learn about the process here

Butters Draws
Crerating quirky and memorable illustrations and animations
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