Savourer la douceur de tes lèvres à croquer... 🔥
So, I have this obsession about lips. And about all the things you can do with them. Sure, kissing is a good start. But why stop there, when you can gently open your mouth and bite them... It is a beautiful signal to go on and share a passionate french kiss, or move slowly to the neck and appreciate all the sensuality down there (you know what I mean, and I don't mean the shoulders)
Anyway, let's consider this as a work in progress for a lip study 🤓 I will rework the shadows and accentuate some reflected lights here and there. Of course, it is done on Procreate, because I would have never been able to get these chunky juicy textured gradients on desktop Illustrator. This one is to be continued 🙌