Explosion of Chemical Engineering Study Activities or abbreviated as EXCESS is one of the flagship work programs of Himatemia FT Unila from Department of External Relations.

In EXCESS 2018, I was entrusted to coordinating the section in charge of publishing, decorating and documenting this big event.

More than 30 designs including logo, mascot, pamphlet, etc. has been made to branding this event, the arrangement of decorations for each activity is very much considered, the documentation is kept neatly for reports on social media and accountability reports.

Due to the wide and even publication, more than 200 people participated as participants in this event, you can see the after movie at https://youtu.be/A44YOw5rY8w.

See more at

Thank you !
Publication, Decoration and Documentation (PDD) Section of EXCESS 2018
Coordinator: Maulana Ikhsan Hasibuan
Secretary: Amalia Insani
1. Tiara Andini
2. Nikmah Maryani Sitompul
3. Muhammad Bachtiar
4. Zufar Azkar
5. Haradeani Harianja
6. Arif Hidayat
7. Agnes Taruli Boru Lumban Tobing
8. Christine Natalia Yogia
9. Cecellia Nia Rehmalem Barutu
10. Anniza Hasna Purnama
11. Fernando Meirinaldo
12. Yoga Riyanto
13. Chindy Febriana Juwita Sirait
14. Muchamad Fida Kamil
15. Heri Ramadhan
16. Indah Pratiwi Gultom
17. Fikri Muhammad
18. Sebmalia Lisviana
19. Wildan Naufal
20. Esterlita Sihombing
21. Agtashah Fahar Andhika

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