Health app for iOS

I was working as a UX/UI designer on this iOS application couple years ago. This was one of the versions which eventually was not approved. I was responsible to conduct UX research, competitors analysis, create wireframes and final mockups. I used prototyping often to present results to the team. That was not the ideal project flow indeed. Actually, I'm curious to know how often designers who really design (rather than write smart posts on blogs about design) have that excellent step by step flow which is often described in articles.

This project workflow was based on iterations, user testing and improvements. Unfortunately I didn't take part in user testing - I was provided with results from stakeholders.This app was created with a goal to be all in one solution for people who care about their physical and mental health. Users can find here programs and sessions in Meditation, Mindfulness, Dietary and Yoga. For this presentation I have prototyped in Figma several screens:- Home screen (Daily). Users find their daily plan for today - a set of exercises and sessions from programs they have enrolled in. Also there is a daily motivational quote and the music icon - it gets through the entire application and let's user switch on relaxing music at any time.- Programs. Users can browse through all available programs that use a comprehensive approach: for example, Fix Your Sleep includes not only sleep stories but also yoga and dietary planning. - Program details. Users can read description of this program, watch video previews and even send a question to the program's author.- Video player that can be minimized or played full-screen.

My working design tool was Figma. ๐Ÿ‘‰ Check it here

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