
Tradesuite is a platform which provides users with a transparent end to end process for importing products which will also enable the importer to request trade finance. I needed to create an initial view of a a quote for MVP and the design for the landing page.

My approach.

I created a UX strategy via interviews with stakeholders to understand all business goals and success metrics.

I interviewed potential importing clients and clearing and forwarding agents. and created personas with the data I collected.

I then created wireframes and tested them with the relevant users.

After testing I improved the wireframes and moved to higher fidelity.

I also prioritised findings worked with development team throughout all sprints.

The MVP was tested with existing standard bank clients using actual quotes to prove that the platform could compete with existing end to end trade platforms and that the integration of trade finance would work.

We simplified the issue users had with terminology complexity by explaining terminology in layman's terms which created transparency and trust.

The product is still in final development but I look forward to seeing success metrics in the near future.

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