A word, a week. • 06 • Nights

№ 06 – Nights

Mathijs Luijten is a Dutch artist who recently left Buck to start his journey as a freelancer. He reached out to one of his favorite musicians to propose a collaboration in the form of a music video. Here’s a small snippet of it, adorned with the song title set in Barbour. Check out the entire music video at http://www.mathijsluijten.com/jesper-ryom-nights

‘A word, a week.’ is an ongoing collaboration to see our animated typefaces in the hands artists we admire. A typeface is never a thing on its own. It’s always meant to be part of something bigger. Each week we release a new animation by a new artist. It features a single word, set in an animated typeface from our collection. The artist comes up with the word and gets complete creative freedom. We get to see our type in action, and share the inspiring work with you.

Typeface in use: Barbour


Direction, design & animation: Mathijs Luijten
Music: Jesper Ryom
Type design: Timo Kuilder
Type animation: Philip von Borries

Learn to create your own animated typefaces with our course on Motion Design School at https://motiondesign.school/products/animated-typefaces-with-animography

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