Flatstep main page

Hello Dribbble World! Flatstep is a platform for fast and high-quality housing search among 25,000 options around the world.

Flatstep website is for those looking for a well-maintained beautiful home, and this is what we want to highlight. Therefore, for the home page, we used a lot of space to draw attention to the really important elements. Discrete and non-flashy colors allow the design to breathe and not distract the user from the content. Yellow accents in some places fit perfectly into the picture of the site without overloading it.

We used an image-based approach to design a website where beautiful apartments and houses play first fiddle. Images are an excellent means of visual communication: it looks minimalistic, but at the same time evokes certain associations and stimulates action.

A sans serif font makes content accessible and easy-to-read for the user.

Check out the live website and stay tuned for more shots! --- Follow us on Facebook / LinkedIn / Instagram Also, visit our Magazine to read more about design, development, project management, and many other topics! Have a project? Let's talk: hello@unikorns.work

UnikornsĀ® Agency
Creative Design & Development Agency

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