"Whenever I get down, I just need to connect with good people and create some stuff. It's been a long year, but it's getting better by the day. Walk up to strangers. Meet good people. Connect with humans. It's always worth it."


2020 was a long ass year. A struggle to keep the creativity flowing at all times with the heavy state of the world and being deprived of the spark human connection provides.

In the midst of feeling completely isolated from the outside world and being stuck in my own little bubble - I challenged myself to take steps towards connecting with creatives I admire in any way that I could. In the past I would double tap posts, follow people who inspired me in one way or another and not think twice about reaching out and starting a line of communication.

I never fully understood the power of putting yourself out there in the digital sense of the world. Seeing people as people who are open to shooting the shit on a creative project, not only as content producing avatars.

So loooooooong story short - If you digg someone's work, don't just double tap a post. Tell them. Comment. Shoot them a DM. You might just open a line of communication that you never expected to happen. Most people are way more responsive than you might imagine.

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Kyle Troutman
Senior Designer /BASIC®
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