Dribbble Invitation Mail

When I got my Dribbble invite I was stoked of course for getting the invite, but quite dissapointed to receive a plain text e-mail. So this is a quick design of how I would've liked the invitation email to look like.

Anyways, I've got the privilege of drafting a new player. To get the invite: email work(at)adriansomoza.com with the subject Dribbble Invite, your portfolio and a link to your Dribbble profile.

I'll be announcing the winner here in two weeks.

May the best player win! :)

p.s.: you don't have to, but it would be nice if you followed me here on Dribbble.

EDIT: and the winner issssss... Valentin Karkouz. Give him a warm welcome :)
To the rest of the prospects: keep pushing!

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