Daily UI 016 - Pop-Up / Overlay
I’m going to tell you about Koober, it’s a mobile application for listening or reading a book in 20 minutes.
If you don't like to read or don't have time to read books.
Then this app is for you.
This post is absolutely not sponsored or product placement.
I just want to share with you a very useful tool that will allow you to read a lot of books in various fields such as productivity, Financial independence, Human relations, Health ...
But the subject of this post and the 15th day of the #dailyui challenge which was to design a POP UP.
Is I chose to interpret this pop-up through a landing page presenting the koober application.
Please feel free to give your opinion on this UI design. You can also follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ui.franck/
I am open to new projects! deregard.franckui@gmail.com
Have a nice day !
Franck Deregard