Book Cover Design - Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, Sipakainge
Book Cover Design - Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, Sipakainge.
This principle contains lessons about fall and resurrection, and belief in destiny and changes in fate. Sipakatau means humanizing each other, Sipakalebbi respects each other and Sipakainge means reminding each other in any condition.
Illustration by showing 3 people from each status / custom / different clothing, SI is seen watching two other people, namely PA who is pointing up to the sky with clouds in the form of lontara Bugis letters and then KA who is watching .
Mean; SI, PA and KA are symbols of the first three letters of the 3S culture. If you pay attention to them, they are understanding each other, indicating the attitude of the Bugis people in holding to the principles described from this cultural term so, when combined from the word SI , PA and
This train will read culture ... "Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, Sipakainge."
Tags: #Bookcover #Graphicnovel #BookDesign #CoverDesign #BookCollection #Book #Novel #IndonesianCulture #Buginese #SipakatauSipakalebbiSipakainge