The concept for a mindfulness app
Uplift is an app that prompts users to think about and capture the good moments from her day. It keeps a history of good moments and allows users to review past good times when she needs to. Yesterday was a good day, today was a good day, tomorrow will be a good day.
It's easy to get caught up in your problems. Workdays are stressful. Home days are stressful. Days are just stressful. Everything is doomed.
But something good always happens. Even on the worst of days, there's at least one good moment that makes us smile. A moment as small as a joke from a friend or a kudos from a colleague is something good. If we can be reminded of the good moments in the day, we can appreciate that it's not all bad, we can remove ourselves from the feeling of impending doom.
A mobile app that asks a user to take a photo or write about one good moment form their day, every day. Over time, a user develops the habit of thinking about the good moments from their day. They learn to step away from the pressures of the day and instead reflect on the little good things in life.
They can review all the recent good moments and are reminded to think about the good things that happen every day. They realise that, actually, the sky isn't falling down.