WriteWord - Splash / Onboarding - Mobile App

Tasked with designing a vocabulary app as part of the Intro to UX course with CareerFoundry- 'WriteWord' was designed with creative writers in mind. The idea was to create a place to search for and save words that could later be useful for one's writing.

Users can add their own words to their library, or search for words to add using a synonym or brief definition. The gem of this application is the 'context' method of searching for a word, where a user can type or paste a sentence they are working on and select different words within said sentence to see synonym options.

This feature helps to contextualize ideas for different wordings of a sentence in real-time to better help a writer craft exactly the sentence they want.

This app was designed on MarvelApp - Ashley Maggiacomo.

Prototype Link: https://marvelapp.com/prototype/6efhfe9/screen/75352796

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