Daily UI #01 - Sign Up Page
Hello guys!
Recently I decided to change my professional career and become a UX/UI designer! The process has been amazing so far, so I decided to join the Daily UI challenge to improve my visual skills :p
The challenge number #001 was to create a sign up page, and I came up with a super simple sign up page for an app to buy tickets to theaters, cinemas and concerts.
My inspiration was related to personal experiences waiting in long lines in front of the cinema and apps that were too complicated to use when I just wanted to buy a ticket!
This is my first Dribble shot, and I am really excited to share my work and receive feedbacks <3
(Here is the link, if you want to interact with the prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/nWsD2aOQRegAq6ecKewo7P/Daily-UI?node-id=16%3A28&scaling=scale-down)