Gaming WebTV, Gamified website

Overview During one of my school projects, we were given the only instruction to create the home page of a WebTV website. I decided to create a website for a gaming oriented Twitch webtv.

Problem Looking at some French webtv sites installed on Twitch, I noticed that the interest for viewers to visit this type of site is quite limited when the experience offered by Twitch already is complete and suitable for everyone. To create my design, I answered this problem.

Solution My concept wishes to restore interest to this type of site by first offering a gamification system by "level" for registered people. These levels are obtained according to the time spent watching the live. The "jetons" are the currency that links with the site's store by allowing people to exchange them for merch.

In addition, I found it interesting to add the possibility of receiving alerts for each program that we would like not to miss. The operation of a WebTV involves different broadcasting slots during the day. It's therefore essential to be able to be warned when desired since it's the viewer's main interest to know when their favorite show will take place.

Allowing viewers to be notified improves loyalty If he misses less live, the viewer will spend more time on the website. Indirectly it serves the gamification system and attracts people to the store.

But... ...having the ideas is not all. My main challenge was to manage to give direct visibility to its two features, while offering a clear interface that doesn't mentally overload the user. It's quite legitimate to think that the viewer will tend to stay on the video player and so not necessarily scroll.

With this reasoning, I therefore had two great opportunities to respond to the problem of potential users, while having a business approach.

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Jonathan Dalmasso
Digital Product Designer based in Paris 🤙🏻

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