Save the Planet - App Mockup

The last decade has been a testament to the destruction that humans have caused to the environment and the ecosystems at large. Following the rising concerns from this effect, our team decided to focus on Sustainability. For the brief, our approach to the application was broken down into three broad categories: features, design, and user experience. On researching sustainable resources, our team found out that there isn’t much allegiance given to the action of sustainability. This concerned us as today, we are on the verge of damaging the earth forever. The concept for the application was built considering the economic, environmental, and social aspects of the movements. Through preliminary research, we concluded to make the application a platform where users can share information, look for sustainable alternatives, learn about sustainability, attend events, volunteer, and interact with a dedicated community of environmentalists. The design is minimal, with clear navigation and page structures, so that it could be user friendly. To top it off, we added features that improve accessibility and empowers strong connections between people who are willing to act together as a community for a better future.