GIS tutorial (Python in QGIS – Lesson 1)
The Flexatel team regularly posts video tutorials on various aspects of web-mapping applications development. This video will be the first in the playlist about Python in QGIS. QGIS - is GIS program where you can also make some kind of automatisation. So, you can do it with the help of Python language. Like in ArcGIS, we can divide coding on Python in QGIS on several parts: 1 Coding in python console. It means, that in QGIS there is console/interpretator of Python language. There users can write their own scripts. 2 Writing Scripts and Expressions. 3 Writing plugins in QGIS. In this video we'll start with coding from the console. And we'll try to work with vector layers, help, selection and selected features. We welcome your feedback. full video with subtitles (English / Russian)