Terraria Boss Golem
Terraria's infamous rouges gallery of pixelated, Lovecratian horrors get the extra-dimension treatment as they are brought to life in low-poly glory.
This jungle-basement dwelling blockhead, so many moving parts, none of them simple. Whether it's coordinating the fireball with the jaw drop, or the lighting change when the core is ejected and the head starts levitating, it's like building a watch. Most interesting of all are the fist chains. I hooked an empty object to one of the vertices of a Bezier curve, which was then nested underneath the fist mesh. When the fists fly, the curve follows through. The chain-links are then clones to suit the path and number to fit the curve so it appears that the chains are being ejected from the arm.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLxdJ9-2AAA Full post: https://polysthetic.com/terraria-bosses-modelled-in-3d/