Habbi App - IOS
Habbi App Description Your life today is essentially the sum of your habits.How in shape or out of shape you are? A result of your habits. How happy or unhappy you are? A result of your habits. How successful or unsuccessful you are? A result of your habits.
What you repeatedly do (i.e. what you spend time thinking about and doing each day) ultimately forms the person you are, the things you believe, and the personality that you portray.
But what if you want to improve? What if you want to form new habits? How would you go about it? Turns out, there's a helpful framework that can make it easier to stick to new habits so that you can improve your health, your work, and your life in general.
We came up with a character Habbi who will motivate you all the way. We created rewards board. Rewards are the end goal of every habit. We chase rewards because they serve two purposes: (1) they satisfy us and (2) they teach us.
See more all design application))) https://www.behance.net/gallery/111684589/Habbi-App-IOS