Africa Tale

Here with the sneak peak of shots i've been working on, regarding little African tale story....."Belka"

The Villagers came full of anger, shouting with torches on their hand, I saw Dad with exasperating face looking at me and my 1 year sibling sister, Mom was outside trying to calm the crowd, I’ve never seen my dad’s face looking so horrified of an outcome I didn’t know about, My mom came inside, looking pale in the face, with tears already shipped his face with stream, Dad took Shengi, while whispering to Mother, like in disagreement, these where In deed hard times, I was 7 years old, but I could tell the crowd outside wanted Shengi, because she was different, black but not like I, her eyes where full of colours, her lips and tongue looked like she kissed a rainbow, Shengi was unlike any other child in our neighbourhood, words spread quickly that Mom did not conceive the child with a ritual of our community, this was due to long-haul years of seeking a girl child, She contacted Belka ( The GODDESS Creature of Blessings and Rain) I’ve never seen one, but I heard they said long time ago, before the time of a man, she used to bless these lands with green and rain, it would never dry, it would never hunger, as she would take care of the men of these lands, then she left these lands, and never to be seen again, now we are facing hunger and desperation to find who to blame, then came Shengi, she was perfect conduit for sacrifice because she was different, they wanted to save their lands, wanted to save their lost souls, and their generation to come, Dad said no, and wanted to keep Shengi, now they want a piece of flesh, a flesh that would salvour the cursed land of humanity, to the paradise they’ve never seen…. Dad told me once, Shengi has a touch of Belka’s mercy, when they seek for answers, she gave her to them, why would they now take her blessing away? Dad sniked me out of the house unseen, and Told me go far away my child, you’ve seen what a man can do to another man, go and never look back, we can never save ourselves, you know about us, don’t forget to seek for help, you might save our souls, your sister is special, you are special, Go and Seek for her, she gave us Shengi, she’ll know the answers for your questions, Sail the Water, Sail to the uncharted parts of the sea, sail till you can’t see these lands, to the feet of the sea, I heard is where she often ventures, but that was 100 years ago before the time of my forefathers, Call out to her, you are of no sin, you are of no blood, she’ll come to you, she’s a beautiful monster, yet so bright, yet sp terrifying…..

I Sailed the part of the sea, no boy has ever, hunger striked, Thirsty, exhaustion, I didn’t no where I was heading, till I saw a cliff like a rock, in between the sea, it was dark my eyes where all cozy and blurry, then a creature of humungous Size, So bright, landed on that part of the rock……

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