Bienvenue dans l'outil de configuration
Hi dribbbler and everyone, The configuration of the tool through the administration app was installed and maintained by my client. My client's needs were to give more autonomy to the consultants themselves and reduce their intervention.
So we start by interviewing one of the sales who set up the tool for his client and reorder all the different steps. It was a very hard job because it's a very technical field so there is a gap between people who are used to understand some principle and the beginner. We work on UX writing to be understood by anyone.
After that, I make the user flow and the high fidelity prototype. I clean and built a component/typography/color library who are matching the UI from the other tools and UI from the landing page.
At last, I work on an isometric illustration to help users to visualize the different steps and concepts.
Thank's for your attention.