4Fun - Keypad Improvements
What is that? Just my vision of small but important (yes, for me) improvements for current iOS 7.1 keypad. So, I decided to share my thoughts with you guys.
1. Why? Why there is no fucking cursor up there in the field? This is a text field, right? So, why I should remove all nums if I made a mistake somewhere or paste the number with missed one num? Why, if I can, like on any other field, move the cursor, make changes and that's it.
2. I have the current positions for 'Add Contact' and 'Clear' buttons. First of all, they are far away. Secondly, they are pretty small and it's hard to notice them. So, why two great blocks which are has much more usable position must be empty?
3. Night mode. Yes, fucking night mode. Why do I must be blinded at night if my phone knows that there is the night right now? Yeah, it is quite a moot point, but beyond that - I just like it :)
Anyway, what do you think, dirbbblers?
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