Daily UI 001 Signup Page
Elearn is an online learning platform providing classes for its members. The goal of this signup page is to gain new customer through free trail and email acquisition.
Check prototype here:
Considerations on first page:
1. Branding on signup page, with illustration to help users understand the service provided
2. Clear benefit statement to encourage users to input their info
3. Clear CTA button for next steps
4. Clear navigation for users who already has account
Considerations on second page:
1. Clear benefit statement to encourage users to complete creating account
2. Pre-fill info from first step
3. No duplicate field. Confirm Password field will appear when user finishes typing the password field
4. Clean background to help user focus on signup task
Illustration credit: https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/online-courses-tutorials_7974238.htm#page=1&query=illustration%20education&position=12