BUTENA or Buletin Teknik Kimia (Chemical Engineering Bulletin) is our flagship work program in Department of Media and Information (MI) Himatemia FT Unila 2018.
This bulletin gives information about Himatemia activities, chemical engineering articles, campus events and global issues by raising a headline in each edition.
In this period we succeeded in exceeding the target we had set earlier (260 copies), namely with total printing of the four bulletins totaling 325 copies and the files (.pdf) were also published on social media of Himatemia.
If you want to know the contents of BUTENA, you can visit http://himatemia.eng.unila.ac.id/?s=BUTENA
Person in Charge @kurniawan_neoo
General Leader @maulanaikhsanh
Managing Editor @kamil_fid
Editorial Secretary @mettyanaod
Editor @eshaantia
Artistic @wildan.fal
Publication @alfiaaan03
Distributor @xagta
Reporter @ryuniaaa_10 @betiwahyunii @luthfiyanain
Chemi and Ical Characters designed by @07rf_fajar
Mockup by pixeden.com/psd-mock-up-templates/psd-magazine-mockup-vol12
See more at https://www.behance.net/gallery/111202571/BUTENA Thank you ! Graphic Designer @maulanaikhsanh