Type Study Buddy

You've missed your morning meetings. You've missed multiple emails and a client call while somehow managing to avoid working on the actual design work you were supposed to be doing all morning— All because you've spent half the day setting up a fake file exclusively to test and pair type together. It's literally not even going to be used. The file is just there so you can look at two typefaces together in a pretend layout world... Oh god. What am I doing with my life? What have I become.

Well, good news folks—those days can be over with one simple duplication.

Type Study Buddy is a super easy to use Figma template that's just a fake newspaper laid out with type. It's not even multiple typefaces! Just one typeface for the whole thing (outside of the pretend logo, but whatever). Anyways. Duplicate this puppy and go nuts pairing type. Good luck. Have fun.

Now if only there was a free resource that would point me to a bunch of type foundries and let me know if they offer trial licences as well...that would be useful...OH WAIT THERE IS!

The Type Foundry Index

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Posted on Jan 12, 2021

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