CONNECT - Job Post Detail Top Candidates (Employer)

During the pandemic of COVID-19, many companies are forced to lay off their employees to avoid bankruptcy and save costs, yet at the same time companies still need competent employees to keep the business run. Finding the right and competent candidate is crucially needed during this time. Companies tend to be more selective in choosing the resources they employ due to the high expectations of efficiency they want to achieve.

On the other hand, many people are also experiencing hardship in aligning their experiences with the job openings available. Thus, improving skills is vital to increase the chance of being employed.

The research was conducted via a remote one-on-one interview with 5 participants: 3 job seekers and 2 employers. For job seekers, interviews focused on digging their experience in applying for jobs during the pandemic as well as how they improve skills during this particular time. For recruiters, interviews focused on digging the way their company is hiring during the pandemic and how it is different from the previous.

After synthesizing the findings, creating a persona, a journey map, and mapping findings into solutions, I came up with this design. CONNECT is an all in one platform designed for both job seekers and employers to connect better.

Note: This project was done for an internship technical test.

More by Hauri Silmi Zafirah

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