XD Daily Challenge: DIY Mobile App Design
Day 2 of Adobe XD creative challenge.
Task Given: Design an experience for browsing through home improvement projects and ideas.
Thought Process: I started off with a few wireframe ideas of how i wanted the experience journey of the user to look like after they've signed up. I wanted to make sure users saw relevant content based on their diy ideas/goal. With this in mind, I created two screens that require information about the user's interests and living style. This is done to make sure only the relevant projects are displayed to the user.
User Experience Journey: After selecting the interests and living style, the user is brought to the home page, where there are some floating options ( menu and profile). There is another tab/menu (which is the collection of the interests that the user already filled).
The user is able to see the average completion time, rating, and what areas of the home the diy project is listed for at first glance.
When the user clicks on a project, they are taken to a page where they can either choose to watch a tutorial or read it. The "how to style" menu tab shows the user the different ways the outcome of the project can be utilized. The "shop" tab list items needed to complete the project and lets the user buy them. Finally, the "more like this" option shows the user more diy projects like the one they just viewed.
I completed this project in one day using Adobe XD