Stay magical

To stay in your magic you must also stay in gratitude. Why? Because gratitude is what fills your heart and soul up so completely that even when in the trickiest, darkest moments of life you will feel lifted up. In fact, it's especially important to find gratitude in your darkest moments. When you can't be the light, let your blessings shine.

Uncover the beautiful, happy, funny things/moments/people in your life. Let them lift you up.

Seek out the wild and magical places that fill your heart with gratitude.

At the end of each day, recount what you loved about the day. Write them down, share them, or keep them swirling around in your mind. Let them guide your dreams.

So that's that, my friend. Remember your magic, stay in your magic, and all will be well.

More by Heera Shree R

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