Concept of a baby guide and tracking app

A few weeks ago my sister had her first child. It is just a small miracle. But as it is, you have not yet been able to gain experience of how it is to care for an infant. So I thought it would be useful to have an app that supports you a little bit.

My thoughts💭

1️⃣ The app should allow you to record the data of a baby and thus check whether everything is okay. For example, the weight, the height, etc…

2️⃣ Besides, the app should tell you what you should pay attention to and what exceptions could occur. The app also tells you approximately in which week the child should have learned which skills.

3️⃣ The app should of course be completely customizable in terms of colors, so you can use blue or pink, or even yellow as the main color of the app.

Fonts: Quicksand
Image: @kaushal319 @unsplash

What are your thoughts? 🤔
Let me know in the comments 💬

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