New Year App

🎅🏻Ho-ho-ho! Happy New Year, everyone! I have an app for Santa, where he keeps track of how many children he visited and how many became and to whom what gifts he should give!

🛷On the left screen, Santa sees a progress bar in the form of himself in a sleigh and a counter of visited children! It doesn't track children's visits manually, it happens automatically. Magic! As soon as he visits all the children and delivers all the gifts-the progress bar will fill up!

👼🏻Childrens’ cards are displayed at the bottom, where you can see their photos, names and gifts that they have asked for. The cards are divided into planned visits and the history of visits, where you can see who you have already given a gift to! From it, Santa can go to his profile or to the map screen.

🎄On the right screen, we see a map with the children's pins. You can click on the pin and the child's card will open, which displays his photo, name, address and the gift that he asked for. You can also use the search by name or address and filter children and show only toddlers or older children. On the map, you can see which children have already given a gift to, and a gift icon appears next to their photo.

🍪The colors of the app are such warm beige, like the color of Christmas cookies baked by mom, spruce dark green, and bright red, the colors of Christmas tree shiny Christmas decorations.I tried to make the app as warm and Christmas-like as possible.

// Made for Purrweb

More by Julia Tikhiy-Tishchenko

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