15 Grandpa Texture Pack
15 Grandpa's Texture
Who knows if in this era people loves to back into the Grandpa's vibe with all of those vintage stuff and handmade feel? trend is unpredictable and Grandpa saw that thing, so i made this 15 Grandpa's Texture pack to fulfil your vintage needs, it contains
- 15 Different styles of textures, handcrafted and authentic - 2561 x 3735 pixel dimension, pretty large to keep the quality safe - 600dpi Resolution, just in case you want to vectorize it - All in PNG files
Some tips : you can cut the part of those brush stroke line textures to make a borders or lines just like my cover preview on this product ;) the rest is up on you, i believe you'll do better than me :)
Grab it only $6 on Creative Market : https://creativemarket.com/irwanwismoyo/29010-15-Grandpas-Texture?u=irwanwismoyo
Hope you enjoy the product and thanks for purchasing ;)