Forever Grateful

2020 started with a lot of If, else questions and was mentally taxing. To avert from it I started dusting off my art skills which in turn opened up a wide ray of options. Digital art was a complete game-changer. It fueled my ideas and gave life to them. The last six months taught me some of the most valuable life lessons that I'll cherish forever.

From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank every single one of you who rooted for me from the beginning. It's been a crazy ride so far, I'm forever grateful for all your love, support, and guidance :)

I'm still a kid who's constantly leveling up to the best of my ability on creating artworks that serves a purpose & a positive impact on the community. I want to leave you with one thought by Thiruvalluvar:

"கேடில் விழுச்செல்வம் கல்வி யொருவற்கு மாடல்ல மற்றை யவை."
"Learning is the excellence of wealth that none destroy;
To man naught else affords reality of joy."

With Love,

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