Christmas set 2020

Each december I get tons of commissions for christmas stuff, like calendars, and individual gifts, and some ads too, but this year, it was even crazier than usual. This little guy has been made for a 4x6 piece handpainted christmas ornament set. My great friend at cut them out from plywood with laser, and I've painted the pieces myself. Let me tell you, returning to actual phisical materials after getting so much used to digital work these days, is no joke. There was plenty of times when I was reaching out for ctrl+Z after a missed brush stroke, but it just wasn't there. :-D Anyway, it took the time, but turned out looking cool. I'd love to do more analog stuff, definitely graffiti, but maybe canvases too, I just really struggle to find the time for it. Maybe 2021 brings some opportunities for that too. Hope you like these characters, enjoy your holiays before it all goes crazy again! :-)

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