Creator Sessions rebrand

This month I've been working on a rebrand project for Creator Sessions: our YouTube series that features a behind-the-scenes look at the creative process with musicians, artists, filmmakers, photographers and other wonderful creators.

The series started in March as a redirection of the live event efforts we had previously planned for the year and throughout 2020 it has grown into something incredible. We've had Grammy-nominated artists and National Geographic photographers present sessions and it's only going to keep reaching new heights!

The original brand (as seen on the thumbnails in this playlist until I update them) was feeling like it no longer fit the direction of the series. It was too youthful and bright, we needed something cooler with a moody/cozy vibe to it. Something that would look more at home in a record store or a film festival.

Still working on refining the new direction, but this is where we're at so far and I'm loving it! I couldn't resist putting together an animation to bring the movement I had in my head to life.

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