Outpay - Withdraw Money Experience - Dark Mode
💸 Check out this concept project for a Mobile POS App that allows small businesses to receive mobile payments and transfer funds to their bank account fast, easy, and secure!
📱 In this shot, you can see the successful flow of a business owner transferring funds from the app to his bank account. The flow is pretty straight-forward and also allows you to receive the withdrawal statement in a few ways. The withdraw will instantly reflect in the transactions section.
🧪 I wanted the flow to be easy to follow and understand what the current and next step is for the user on hand. Having the ability to input the amount and use an already added beneficiary or add a new one which then will be either saved or will be a one-time transaction.
Expect more shots from this project soon!
Meanwhile, I would love to receive your feedback so It can help me improve and grow✌️