Questions & Answers App

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Hi, dribbblers! This is our recent attempt to design a Questions & Answers app. With this app you can ask questions of an interesting topic and answer questions in the field that you explore.

❔ On the left part of the screen there is a menu β€” news, topics, questions, requests and favourites.

πŸ’πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ The main part of the shot contains the topic that you select to see the answers to it. You can see the numbers of questions, answers and views.

πŸ”­ You can ask a question about the selected topic, subscribe to view the theme subscribers, and for send a request to become an expert and see the expert on this theme.

⚑️ Under the part with the topic there is an answers and questions area. You can see the question and answer for it, you can rate answers by rating or alphabet. Also you can see the section only with questions and the section of the experts on this topic.

🧩 The choice of color palette was simple: discreet blue and light blue shades, so the user is not distracted from viewing content. You can view answers only on the topic you are interested in, and also answer yourself.

Press L if you like our design and share feedback!

Created by Anastasia Miklashevich

We share experience in designing interfaces for healthcare startups πŸ₯, give insights into developing an app for pet owners 🐈, and reveal the secrets of coming up with a competitor to famous services 🀩

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