Sleep Tracking App - "Previous sleep" page on Apple Watch screen

The author has been creating this project for 4 months, redrawing and rethinking the design 4 times from scratch.

Following the news about Apple's sleep tracking app, I started to create my own concept that would reflect the vision of the app. While working on the design, I studied an abundance of scientific articles, given below. Information on the factors that affect sleep is provided from the sources: Sleep Research Society, Oxford Academic,, and others. I wrote scripts in JavaScript to create realistic heart rate data and sleep stages. The "Sleep Tracking App" project is an indicator of the author's principles and approaches. Begin.

The "Previous Sleep" page contains familiar cards that look great. Before we talk about the reports compiled from the heart data, let us pause for the thoughts of the author 🤔.

It is important to understand that design and technology go together. I am sure that thanks to a large number of sensors in Apple Watch, iPhone, and Home Kit devices, such reports are realizable. Why, then, hasn't Apple added so much sleep information in an already released app? This happens when you release a complex application. During testing, it is not possible to collect as much data for training neural networks and more accurate data analysis as required. After the release of the application with a limited number of functions, you can buy time, collect the necessary data anonymously and securely đź”’ from watches around the world and add cool, tested, and accurate new features. I believe this is what Apple's sleep tracking app is waiting for. This project is primarily a reflection and progress report on my UI / UX design skill.

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