Sleep Tracking App - All notifications

The author has been creating this project for 4 months, redrawing and rethinking the design 4 times from scratch.

Following the news about Apple's sleep tracking app, I started to create my own concept that would reflect the vision of the app. While working on the design, I studied an abundance of scientific articles, given below. Information on the factors that affect sleep is provided from the sources: Sleep Research Society, Oxford Academic, and others. I wrote scripts in Java Script to create realistic heart rate data and sleep stages. The "Sleep Tracking App" project is an indicator of the author's principles and approaches. Begin.

The author's approach can already be traced through every screen of the application. Every button is in the right place, every element is justified. It's hard to keep the line between obsession and timely informing the user. For this reason, notifications are customizable in the app.

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