Sleep Tracking App - Set Wake Up Schedule πŸ“…

The author has been creating this project for 4 months, redrawing and rethinking the design 4 times from scratch.

Following the news about Apple's sleep tracking app, I started to create my own concept that would reflect the vision of the app. While working on the design, I studied an abundance of scientific articles, given below. Information on the factors that affect sleep is provided from the sources: Sleep Research Society, Oxford Academic, and others. I wrote scripts in Java Script to create realistic heart rate data and sleep stages. The "Sleep Tracking App" project is an indicator of the author's principles and approaches. Begin.

When you tap on "Set Wake Up Time", a list of alarms opens. The user immediately sees the time and schedule according to which the alarm will ring. The instructions above show how easy it is to create a new alarm and select its schedule. I'll talk about the schedule of the alarm later, but it is important to remember that alarms could be set both for repetition and one actuation. The items "Tomorrow", "On weekends", "On weekdays", etc. will help you choose the desired schedule quickly and without stress. To eliminate confusion, alarms can't be created with the same schedules, but they can override each other. For example, a user sets an alarm "for 9:45 on weekends" and then sets an alarm for "next Saturday at 7:00". The alarm will ring at 9.45 the following Sunday, exactly like every subsequent weekend, but next Saturday at 7:00.

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