Geeky Library Overview

This is an overview screenshot of the redesigned GeekyLibrary's single review template.

Throughout the site I played with the standard linear grid by using CSS3 transforms and pseudo elements. Note how the normally rectangular book cover is broken up on three sides: the top chevron which draws your eye down the page, the right hand slant set at 4.2 degrees (4.2 = 42 = the answer to life universe and everything), and the bottom, more subtle, non-centered angle.

The background behind the book name is a very blurred image of the comic book cover that we drew the color palette from.

Our color palette has geeky names. For instance the purple is "Psylocke's Hair" and the bright green is "Martian's Blood." Other colors include "Browncoats" and "Inert Kryptonite"

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