Daily UI 001 - Signup Page
Day 1 of daily UI. The prompt: design a sign-up page or modal.
I used Last.fm and kept their current branding- except I added a blue color. Red is a tough color to work with. When you make an error, usually a field turns red to communicate a mistake. I wanted to have a different color button aside from red. I chose blue because the contrast would make the button stand out against the rest of the page, and it was more inviting.
Last.fm makes their links blue as well, so I thought that reinforce the idea "blue means clickable" for the user.
Otherwise I kept the form layout basically the same. Switched the email to be the first field so that the user associates the password with their new username instead of an email. When you log in to last.fm you enter username followed by password, so this mirrored what a user would normally be expected to input.