Through The Trees

So very excited to share the poster I've designed for sale on the Artcrank web store! Make sure you get one while supplies last!

Bikepacking, the burgeoning art of strapping camping gear to a bike with the hope that it can still be ridden to a campsite. Defined not by distance, speed or the breaking of STRAVA records, but by being at one with the surrounding environment. Traveling at a human-powered pace with the intent of experiencing the changes in the landscape. Ending each day by setting up camp, consuming a well-deserved meal, enjoying a cup of whisky and sleeping out under the stars.

Big shout-out to Brian Geihl of Dogfish Media for working with me to produce this poster.

Another shout-out to the talented folks from True Grit Texture Supply for making the most amazing creative tools!

More by Nate Killam

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