Gyms around you
Sound on 🔉 "Users have an affinity towards a gym after a few visits" something I heard way too many times from different PMs. & the data supported. I always felt that affinity is not something that should be promoted/encouraged for a product whose moat is having multiple gyms around you. And encouraging exploration starts at gym discovery flow. Show the user the gyms around him in a map visual, In cities travel decisions are not based on distance but traffic & time. 1 km in a busy area could take 15 mins whereas 2km in a less busy route could take 10 mins. As for data, It only makes sense if you compare two different flows through data, people will eventually use whatever you put there as long as it brings value. In this case, users had an affinity towards a center because the existing flow promoted it. This was a stab towards my perspective, never got a chance to implement and compare the results with the existing one.
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