Chill Summer Day Koinobori
Time for a random tale: after many years of putting too much thought into my sketches - to the point of not sketching at all - I joined the ugly sketchbook club. Made me a ultra basic sketchbook so that I could use it without overthinking it. It worked and I started sketching random ideas. It became an idea bank for times when the creative fuel was running low. Made it a habit to check old sketches from time to time (your current self has a greater chance of being kinder to your old self than your old self was at the time). Last year I had a dream of some fishes swimming in the air (flying?) and going through some random flags. I did a 10 second thumbnail just to save the idea to the sketchbook. Recently I started studying japanese again and while researching something to complete the homework, I came across these carp flags. This is how this was born. Not about fishes flying through flags, but it is about flying fish flags 🎏