Daily UI 002

Image description: 3 mobile screenshots displayed with drop shadows against a white background, labeled "002, credit card checkout" in the bottom left. All screens have a back button with text, "Back to cart" at the top and the title "Add new credit card."

Screen 1 says, "1. Take a photo of the front side of your credit card" with a camera screen of a credit card, an alarm notification that says, "Hold steady!" and an inactive button at the bottom that says, "Verify information" with an arrow.

Screen 2 is the same as screen 1, except with a green overlay on the photo with a white checkmark icon. The button at the bottom is now active and dark blue.

Screen 3 says, "2. Verify your credit card information and enter your CVV number" and has 4 text fields below with filler information for James T. Kirk. The primary button below says, "(checkmark) Add credit card" and the secondary button says, "(back arrow) Go back to take a photo."

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