Spinblock App
I made a lot of changes between the wireframes and the final UI while not deviating too far from the original ideas and layout. I recieved a lot of good feedback based on my previous tests and by asking others for their opinions. Starting with the homepage, I made the first section full width and I removed the border radius on the top, as per suggestion. Based on popular opinion, I added the top main section to display the upcoming tournaments, and then the button beneath to view all upcoming events, and then the section underneath to display latest news.
I then created the calendar view, which can cycle between the current month, previous, and next, and you can easily see at a glance if there is an event that day by a circle underneath the number displaying. If you click on a day, it will tell you underneath the calendar what event is going on, and you can sign up if there is an option. Underneath the calendar is upcoming events, which users can scroll through and sign up in. The schedule lesson page has important information full width on the top, and displays the coaches in a list with their image, and buttons to display more information or schedule, so the page doesn’t get too text heavy. The profile adds a section to set a current coach, and I made an overlay for adding a current coach. The side menu was created with the same color as the footer, and profile and settings are located on the bottom as per my feedback.
Lastly, for all pages, I increased the height of the footer, raised the height of the icons, added text for icons in the footer, and got rid of the border radius on the bottom of screens.
You can view my prototyped interactions at this link, if you'd like. Not all of the screens are made, it's a WIP. https://www.figma.com/file/bGdDRqZXnb1Xrjji87IIC8/ActivityFlowandPrototype?node-id=52%3A232