Responsive Images Community Group IndieGogo Campaign

Responsive images have been a thorny issue for Web developers for quite some time — we even started the Responsive Images Community Group. Nowadays, with the new picture specification, it seems like the problem may actually be solved in the foreseeable future.

With your help, we can reach the solution faster.

We've started an IndieGogo campaign to help give our developer, Yoav Weiss, enough time and support to work full-time toward implementing the `picture` element in Blink from start-to-finish in a way that aligns with the Blink team’s coding standards, get that code accepted, and get the solution shipped.

I designed this RICG shirt as a perk for the campaign — head on over and claim one, and don't forget to spread the word!

Picture Element Implementation in Blink on IndieGogo

(Note: T-shirt style is subject to change depending on the results of the campaign.)

More by Geri Coady

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