Awwwards Honors.
I still cannot believe how this little project has made it so far. Perhaps, it is silly for others, but it means the world to be acknowledge for this web made during quarantine and the new normalcy in IG. At that time, when everything was even more uncertain than it is nowadays, this project created without any pretension, it was just for the sake of survival. I did not have a job, nor clients. I just needed to keep busy and prove to myself what I was able to do. In the end, this web turned out to be my best asset to find a job amongst the chaos we live in. I, like a lot of designers everyday, struggle with what it is known as imposter syndrome. So when a project gets such a good reception you start to believe a bit more in yourself. As a result, that negative voice in your head its not so loud anymore. And start to think, maybe you are not so bad at being a so called designer✨ - 🌐 👩🏻💻Alba Villamila development