Adobe Max Insiders 2020

It has been awesome working as an official Adobe Partner this year. For this project Adobe brought a bunch of awesome creatives together to make a collaborative piece on the theme of "all together now" . My part is a simple representation that we live in a universe together with multiple galaxies, with infinite launches and starting points.

You can see the full project here:

Haven't done much Dribbble this year... I kind of regret that haha. To be honest the happiest times of my career was when I was thinking of new things to post... Posting random new things with no purpose on both Instagram and Dribbble. Being busy is great, but just like everything that is great, there is always that part that simply sucks.

I'm hoping to get back to free explorative posting soon haha. Let's be real too, 2020 was one of the harder years to share cool new things.

Super cool of Adobe to think of projects that bring us together

More by Michael Fugoso

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