Finando : Fintech Application

Hey folks,

Introducing you to Finando a Fintech Application or maybe a Webapp, because it is the new norm and I like PWAs.
This is a concept work I did to brush up my creative skills a bit and also to see how a card with gradients and black theme would look-like. Now don't roast me about the accessibility, I know I talk about that a lot but sometimes doing something experimental also works out and people who read the description knows it.

One more thing, no I'm not trying to introduce a macbook. I was not posting for some while and to be very honest it was because of Dribbble only, something wrong happened to my subscription and I couldn't schedule my posts. But it is fixed now and I'll be posting all weekdays and even weekends maybe.

Hope you guys like it 👍

If you want to work with me then click that "Hire Me" button duh! 🥳 or if you're looking to connect with me I'm on Twitter 🍕

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